May 15, 2024

The Causes of Sepsis and Which Ones are From Neglect

man with hand on his head

Nursing home abuse has been a problem for a long time, but now it is becoming more widely known due to media reach. Patients in nursing homes need to be properly taken care of, including bathing, cleaning, changing out bedding and equipment, and other basic measures. The reality is many patients don’t get the level of care they deserve, and they can develop diseases and conditions as a result. Sepsis is a dangerous infection common in nursing home patients, and a bedsore lawyer in the Bronx, NY might need to get involved if your loved one has developed it.

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What Causes Sepsis?

Sepsis is a bacterial infection that spreads from vulnerable parts of the body until it finds its way into the main bloodstream. In severe cases, sepsis can be fatal when the body responds to the infection so severely that it begins damaging the tissues. Sepsis needs an entry point on the body to develop and spread. In many cases, this entry point is in the form of bedsores or skin ulcers that don’t get treated quickly enough by caregivers. And in fewer situations, IV lines can be risky for developing an infection since there is direct contact with the bloodstream. If caregivers do not properly sanitize and clean the equipment, they could be creating conditions favorable to developing sepsis.

Signs Of Sepsis To Watch For

Your NY bedsore attorney in Suffolk County can indicate the early signs of sepsis to look out for. Any type of infection is the first and most important sign since an infection is what sepsis needs to begin developing. And if the infection is not treated quickly and properly, then changes in a person’s mental state could occur, as well as developing high respiratory rates and systolic blood pressure changes. In serious cases, sepsis shock can develop, which leads to more serious symptoms and can be fatal. A bedsore attorney should be made aware of progressing symptoms as soon as possible.

Sepsis Often Develops Because Of Neglect

While sepsis can develop with any infection on the body, it most often occurs in people who are in nursing homes, have been hospitalized for a long time, or have been recently hospitalized. Neglect is a major factor with sepsis development, which is why it’s important to reach out to a bedsore attorney if you believe your loved one is being neglected when they should be receiving professional care. Infections need to be treated immediately. But when caregivers don’t follow proper protocols, they might not even realize a patient has developed an infection. At that point, it might be too late to stop sepsis from developing, and your bedsore attorney will need to get involved as soon as possible.

Sinel & Olesen, PLLC is here to help you with your bedsore case. Sepsis is a highly preventable condition that can be alleviated quickly with proper care. But without proper care, it can also turn deadly quickly. When you need a bedsore attorney to represent you, contact us at any time to schedule a free case evaluation.


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If you or a loved one has suffered from preventable bedsores, contact us now for a free consultation.